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Join date : 2019-11-16

Elizabeth Vandertime's App Empty Elizabeth Vandertime's App

Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:47 pm

Steam name: Elizabeth Vandertime

In game name: Elle Vandertime

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:443538871

Country(to get an idea on timezone): USA

Age: 19

What would we benefit bringing you on the staff team: I've had a lot of past experience with being staff on DarkRp servers. I understand how to use a majority of logs and different commands so if I needed any training it would be very light. I'm on the server a good amount, especially later at night when MRDM happens. I get along well with players and understand when things were an accident and accept when both parties say it's fine if they settled the dispute privately.

Why do you want to be staff: Over the past few days while staying up later I've noticed how badly the RDM gets at night and can't stand to see the admins and mods struggle to keep up with the constant flow of RDM. I want to help the community in anyway I can by being around to help the admins and mods with whatever situation they are in, and I want to give the player the best experience they can have.

How long have you been playing on the server: Over the last few of weeks

How active can you be: I am currently in college, so there will be some nights where I will not be online, but I'm usually online from 3-5 hours daily.


What would you do if you were inside pd and the thief right next to you adverts pd raid and starts killing everyone: Can't really do anything, it's his right to advert raid in the PD. I'd suck it up and wait for NLR to be over.

What would you do if someone is a hobo and is mic spamming the song you hate the most: I'd just ignore it or walk away from the situation, they're allowed to sing.

What would you do if you see someone mass rdming but you are in the middle of another sit: I would quickly ask the sit I was currently in to wait one second so I could jail the person mass rdming. I would then finish the sit I was in and ban the person that was mass rdming.

What would you do if you hear a person screaming admins are fucking ni**ers in their mic: Ban them. I don't tolerate racism regardless of who they are yelling at and would ban them. No one should have to hear that.

Lets say you are handling a rdm case on a fellow staff member and that fellow staff member starts screaming and disrespecting that player, what would you do:
Give them the punishment that they deserve while trying to calm them down then report it to a high up because a staff member shouldn't be saying or doing either of those.

I would like to point out that this is not my main account, so if you look on it for reputation or Gmod hours you're going to be seeing very little. If you would like to see my main profile please send me a message over Discord and I will give you the link to my main account but I ask that you don't share it with anyone else.

I was also told by dutboot to add that he recommended me for a staff position.
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-05-24
Age : 27
Location : New Jersey

Elizabeth Vandertime's App Empty Re: Elizabeth Vandertime's App

Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:02 am
Thanks for this application! We've spoken in game, glad to have you in our community!
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