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Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-04-30

Staff Application Empty Staff Application

Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:58 am
Steam name: {SG} HangMan

In game name: WhereDaBoofAtDoe

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:29201309

Country(to get an idea on timezone): WestCoast, Canada

Age: 20

What would we benefit bringing you on the staff team: Experience, being able to actually perform.

Why do you want to be staff: Because I've been on the server for just over a week and seen numerous sits where the SOD doesn't know what to do or passes the sit off to a different admin, and then the sit takes double if not triple the time to finally come to a close, I've seen inexperienced staff just as I've seen experienced ones, but the maturity and attitudes are vastly different, I feel like bringing my experience and back ground to the table would help the server.

How long have you been playing on the server: Just over a week

How active can you be: Very active, just not when I work.


What would you do if you was inside pd and the thief right next to you adverts pd raid and starts killing everyone: After the rules were updated pd raids are no longer allowed, so I would tp him and explain to him why he cannot do that, and if he understands the explanation and doesn't immediately start killing them again, then the sit is closed and dealt with.

What would you do if someone is hobo and is mic spamming the song you hate the most: Hobo's aren't allowed to play music, only DJ's are on a stage, tell him to stop and just like the PD raid situation, watch and if he stops, sit is closed and dealt with, if not, Kick them for mic spam.

What would you do if you see someone mass rdming but you are in the middle of another sit: !jailtp/freeze/strip them and finish the sit I already started, and if that person hasn't disconnected by the time i'm done then I would issue the ban if it is confirmed mass RDM.

What would you do if you hear a person screaming admins are fucking ni**ers in their mic: Immediate ban for disrespect/Racism.

Lets say you are handling an rdm case on a fellow staff member and that fellow staff member starts screaming and disrespecting that player, what would you do: Explain that its unacceptable, ask for a supervisor to give a second opinion and if one is not present, speak to the staff member separately to explain that his actions need to change or he will face punishment, whether it be from me or a higher up, if he/she doesn't calm down, kick them for disrespect and request a supervisor if I dont have the power to.
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