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Delta Raccoon
Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-07-16

My Staff Application  Empty My Staff Application

Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:52 am
Steam name: Delta Raccoon

In game name: Delta Raccoon

SteamID: deltaraccoon

Country(to get an idea on timezone): America


What would we benefit bringing you on the staff team: I want to help keeping things in order and trying to resolve any conflict that anyone might be having with someone else or any other sort of problem that might interfere with peoples fun

Why do you want to be staff: I feel like my rank now limits me from trying to help other people when I try, so I want to become apart of the staff to try and make everyone's experience fun and enjoyable

How long have you been playing on the server: about a month now

How active can you be: Well weekdays from morning to afternoon but when my schooling starts at home I try to become more active


What would you do if you was inside pd and the thief right next to you adverts pd raid and starts killing everyone: Well if he kills the raiders it fine he's adverting but he starts shooting people that aren't apart the raid then I move him aside and say that a no no and why you can't do that and move on, unless he does it again then we have an issue

What would you do if someone is hobo and is mic spamming the song you hate the most: It wouldn't be the song I cared about its the fact that he's not a dj, warning him seems like the smartest decision

What would you do if you see someone mass rdming but you are in the middle of another sit: I'd have a staff sort this person out or if theres no one around to do so I'd jail him till I got around to him

What would you do if you hear a person screaming admins are fucking ni**ers in their mic: Well for starters that word is A HUGE issue to me and not a cool thing to say, especially to admin so I'd kick him of course

Lets say you are handling an rdm case on a fellow staff member and that fellow staff member starts screaming and disrespecting that player, what would you do: I'd try to calm them down and reason with them
Posts : 21
Join date : 2019-05-24
Age : 27
Location : New Jersey

My Staff Application  Empty Re: My Staff Application

Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:04 am
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